Why the Holiday Season Should Not Put a Stop to Your Job Search

A job search can be exhausting. Whether you are unemployed or in a less-than-ideal job, finding that next opportunity can be time consuming. When the holidays approach, many people cut themselves a little slack in their job search or even take a break. However, the holiday season is definitely not the time to slow down your job search. An exciting career move can be just around the corner.


Reasons to Keep Your Job Search Going Even as the Holidays Approach

Understanding what is happening in the marketplace, with businesses, and with other job seekers will shed light on why you need to maintain your job search momentum.


  • Companies nationwide are experiencing unprecedented numbers of openings at all levels of their organization. This means that they are more open than ever to bring in a candidate who may not be exactly what they are looking for. This means more opportunities for you!
  • Many people will stop looking for work during the holiday season which means less competition in the job market. Parties, traveling, family time, and general weariness can make the decision to put the brakes on the job search an easy one. Go against the tide and keep applying. Your resume is more likely to be noticed when there are fewer applicants.
  • Companies want to be ready to head into 2022 with their key positions ready to go. Budgets and pressure to do better in the new year mean that many hiring managers are looking now to get strong candidates in place.
  • People are always leaving jobs (retirement, moves, returning to school, etc), so there is no shortage of vacancies. In fact, yearend is a common time for turnover. You want to be seen when the openings arise.


Tips For Surviving The Seasonal Job Search

While it may not be as quick as you would like, there are definitely great opportunities to be had this time of year. Keep these things in mind as you continue to search.


  • Be patient. – Decision-makers and interviewers may be less available than normal to schedule interviews. Even initial phone screens make take longer than usual. Don’t get discouraged.
  • Be flexible – Say yes to after-hours interviews or remote interviews. If you’re serious about moving to a better job, don’t ask the new potential employer to jump through hoops to accommodate your current schedule. Do what you can to make it work. It shows that you are serious and interested.
  • Put a professional on your side. – Agency recruiters have a large pool of jobs that they are working on and the pool changes daily. Share your resume with one and you will be opening the door to opportunities that you may never find on job boards. A good recruiter also knows how to present and sell you as an ideal candidate for jobs that you might not otherwise appear to be qualified for. They are one of the best resources in any job search.


As the holiday season approaches, take an uncommon approach to your job search. Keep going and stand out from the crowd. Happy Holidays and happy (job) hunting!